Short Explanation
TCourse is a game created based on the condition of new students of Informatics Engineering at ITS who have minimal knowledge about which courses the department offers. TCourse can help students understand the course roadmap, especially the understanding of the sequence of taking courses starting from the early semesters to get to know better the things that will be learned in the department.
Project Goals
The project aims is to achieve mastery of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) through a final project-based learning approach, focusing on creating a Java-based game in a team of two (with Jayanti). This involves applying theoretical OOP concepts practically, emphasizing the design and implementation of game features using principles like inheritance and polymorphism. It also helps me to develop a collaborative coding skills by using Git and GitHub for version control.
Tech Stack Used
Adobe Photoshop 2022: Where we created all of the assets
Figma: Place where we merge all of the assets
Tiled: Structure of the Map is created using this software
Microsoft Excel: Compile the coordinate via CSV
Where magic happens
Main Menu
Taking Item
Interacting with Tile using acquired Item
Adding SKS (College Subject)
Prevention of taking semester-skipping courses
Boat usage on Water Tile
Different book color for acceleration college subject
Pause Menu
Menu to check what courses have been taken along with their credits value
Finishing the game with a graduation rank
Game Mechanism
Use the arrows ↑ → ↓ ← to move up, right, down and left.
Use space marks to interact with obstacles
Use the f2 sign to open a menu containing what courses you have taken along with the number of credits